Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Horse Camp ~ YIPPEE!

Horse Camp started this week. Cayman's going to a beautiful camp called Switch Willow. This place is AMAZING! I was expecting some sort of red-neck barn structure and piles of manure. Not at all! It is beautifully landscaped with tucked away gardens and a swimming pool.

Here is a daily run-down:
Monday: Cayman rode (trotted) a horse the first day. Her horse was named Isis and was "AWESOME!!!",  and Cayman has now decided she wants a horse for her birthday. They swam and  did arts + crafts during the heat of the day.

Tuesday: Me: How was camp today?
                Cayman: Bad.
                Me: Why???
                Cayman: My horse was a cheeseball.       *Sidenote: LOL!!!*

Wednesday: They did relay races on their horses today. The kids are also learning how to take care of the horses. They also swam and did arts + crafts during the hottest part of the day  -  it was 104 degrees today!

Thursday: Today was a day of practicing all the things they learned. Cayman was on a horse named Sonic, and they did trots, relays, and riding. The big show is tomorrow...so they really practiced hard! Later in the day they bathed a horse named Joe, played games, and swam. She is LOVIN' it!!

Friday: Today was the big show....it was everything I expected and more! I was so proud to see my little drama queen  on her horse (Isis), trotting and doing relays. She looked so happy and I hope to be able to continue horse riding lessons when summer is over. She won "Best Rider" for the entire camp week!

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