Monday, February 28, 2011


  • Day One  -  as of today I am officially an ex-smoker. It hasn't been too hard and I haven't cussed anyone out (yet!).  I think the time when I will have the most difficulty is at home. Todd is going to smoke and Cayman is going to drive me crazy (probably)...but I have faith that I can stick it out. I have literally nibbled all day long...sunflower seeds mostly. I also managed to chip a corner of my tooth off on a sunflower seed. So now I have to go to the dentist :(   Hopefully tomorrow will be just as easy as today...minus the broken tooth.

Friday, February 25, 2011



So I haven't blogged every day. I haven't exercised every day.

However  --  I HAVE been taking Chantix every day. And it makes me feel like poo-poo. Seriously.

Here is a list of my complaints (in no particular order, because they all suck):
  • Nausea. This one really sucks. Because it NEVER GOES AWAY!
  • Sleepiness. I could literally take a nap every 15 minutes.
  • Sore neck/shoulder muscles. I really need a person to stand behind me and massage my shoulders all day. He can take a break when I have my naps. Oh, and his name should be Fernando and he should be shirtless.
Complaints aside, Monday will be my quit date. Wish me luck!

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Started 3 of my New Years Resolutions just took a while :)

  • Started on the Chantix  -  I think THIS is the time it will happen for me! I am DETERMINED!
  • Exercised for an hour. Yes, I was playing Kinect...but it was definately a workout!
  • Trying to blog every day

And now for a cute photo that was taken Spring 2010:

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Bieber Fever

Do you have Bieber Fever? No? Don't worry, I don't either. And I'm sure it has NOTHING to do with the fact that I am not a pre-teen drama queen.

Luckily for me, Cayman's BFF Grace asked her to go see "Never Say Never" today after gymnastics. Translation  -  I don't have to go! Yippee!

As a trade-off I will take the girls to Disney on Ice. Pretty good trade-off, dontcha think?

And now, a cute photo of the life-long BFFS:

Friday, February 18, 2011

New Years Resolutions

So here it is the middle of February. And although I MADE some New Years Resolutions, I haven't actually STARTED any of them yet. Some are is extremely difficult.
I had good intentions back in January. It just didn't happen. However, I am now ready! I will start on Sunday :)
Below is a cute photo of the Drama Queen and her dad.

I'm Sorry Clementine. I Didn't Mean To....

I have made Clementine VERY sick. I put a Hartz flea collar on her until I could get to the vet for more Frontline. BAD mistake. After only a day and a half, little Clementine was almost dead. She was very lethargic and just generally not interested in anything. I've been carrying her to her food and water bowls to make sure she eats. Apparently flea collars are extremely toxic to some animals. Why are these things even being sold???
Here is a picture of Clementine before I inadvertently tried to kill her. She doesn't look this good anymore :(

Poor Clemmie...the vet said she will get better. It's just going to take a long time. I'm so sorry Clementine!

My daughter - Evil Knieval the Invisible Ninja

I'm glad that my daughter isn't some prissy little thing who sits quietly and plays with baby dolls non-stop. Yes, she does those things on occasion...but usually you'll find her running down the sidewalk barefooted, waving a princess wand, and screaming at the top of her lungs that she is an invisible ninja. And I wouldn't change a single thing about her.
HOWEVER  -  this invisible ninja child of mine also knows no fear. She proved this by trying to jump a curb on her bicycle. She crashed (HARD) on her face. The following photo was taken 3 days after the wreck:

It looks like I have been beating my child. But I haven't. Besides, it's kinda hard to beat an invisible ninja... they are extremely hard to catch.