Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Olympics, Here We Come!

So tonight is the night that we go to Cayman's new (additional) gymnastics class. She has been doing one class per week since she started, and now wants to add a class to "get better faster". Gymnastics is definately her sport. She's gotten better each week and is getting muscle definition and strength. She finally indicated that she's wants to compete. We just have to get her READY to compete first! :)

That being said, there goes another evening where I get nothing done. I wish I could multi-task during her classes, but if I don't pay attention she gets mad! I visit with the other moms...but ALL of us are required by our daughters to WATCH!

Here are a couple of pictures of the drama queen, gettin' her gymnastics on!:

It's fun watching her have a good time!